Welcome to the Mathematics department
All teachers within the department strive to ensure that every pupil reaches their full potential in mathematics; that they are well motivated and enjoy learning the subject; they develop a sound understanding of our number system and are able to transfer numeracy skills to other areas of the curriculum and everyday life. To achieve this aim there is an emphasis on empowering our pupils to become creative learners who can think and solve problems.
Vision, Values and Aims
The mathematics department’s vision, values and aims are parallel to those of the whole school.
We are committed to enabling pupils to achieve their maximum potential in all aspects of their development – academic, spiritual, physical, personal, social and emotional.
We aim to promote positive attitudes and an ethos of fairness and equality.
All aspects of Learning and Teaching embrace the principles of a Curriculum for Excellence and Assessment is for Learning, aiming to equip pupils with skills for learning, life and work.
To face the challenges of the 21st century, each young person needs to be confident in using mathematical skills, and Scotland needs both specialist Mathematicians and a highly numerate population.
Learning through Mathematics enables children and young people to: