“Transitions are significant in the lives of young people”

We have developed a P7 transition programme which will support our incoming S1s to prepare for the secondary school environment, explore a range of subjects, learn about our school community and manage the transition confidently.  Transition activities for our cluster primary schools for August 2023 admission include:


Open evening

Christmas concert 2022

Lessons from Guidance teachers

Visits from senior and junior prefects

STEM lessons

Team building days

Induction days


Some young people may require additional planning and support through transition and they would be referred to participate in an enhanced transition programme in addition to the core transition programme.  Please discuss this with your child’s primary school if you believe your child would benefit from an enhanced transition.


Key dates

Induction Days 31 May, 12-13 June 2023

Colquhoun Park Primary School

Killermont Primary School

Torrance Primary School

Westerton Primary School

Pupils from non-associated primaries


Our Cluster

Boclair Academy is part of a cluster group of learning which includes Colquhoun Park Primary School, Killermont Primary School, Torrance Primary School and Westerton Primary School.  Mrs Curran, DHT with responsibility for S1 and transitions, meets with the head teachers from the associated primaries to plan the transition programme and identify cluster priorities.